Friday 16 August 2019

Man Stabs Woman To Death After She Refused His Love Advances (Photo)

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A woman has lost her life in a most painful manner after being stabbed to death for refusing a man's love advances. 

Karar Ali Karar
A man, Karar Ali Karar, 29, who savagely murdered a woman in an ‘explosive rage’ after she refused to have s*x with him has been jailed for life.
According to, Karar, stabbed Jodi Miller, 21, with a kitchen knife 15 times to the head and body to ‘teach her a lesson’ after she repeatedly rejected his sexual advances.
The drug-fueled attack, which took place on February 26 this year in front of a 15-year-old schoolboy, was so vicious that it broke the murder weapon into three pieces.
It took place at the home of a friend of Miss Miller where she often met with a group. Karar, who lived in the flat above with Abdi Dhoobe, was on the ‘periphery’ of the group and began pestering Miss Miller for s_x in the days leading up to the violence, Leeds Crown Court heard.
Prosecuting, Jason Pitter QC, said, “He became increasingly desperate, frustrated and ultimately angry in his efforts, even offering her money to do so. Miss Miller was understandably having none of it and displayed no interest in the defendant whatsoever.”
On February 26, a fight broke out in the basement flat as others warned Karar to leave her alone, saying she was ‘not that type of person’.
CCTV footage showed Karar leave and come back to the flat several times, before arming himself with a kitchen knife from his own home and returning to kill his victim.
Mr Pitter said, “He was so enraged and frustrated by her rejection that he decided, in his mind, to teach her a lesson. To confront her and ultimately kill her.”
Miss Miller attempted to flee the property but was tripped up by Karar, who told police he stabbed her because she had slapped him. At one point, Karar, who was an asylum seeker who had come to the UK from Sudan four years ago to escape political persecution, paused the violence to kick his victim and call her a ‘prostitute’.
Mr Dhoobe, another man and a 15-year-old boy attempted to help but failed to save Miss Miller, who died in hospital following the three-minute attack.
Karar, who suffered from mental health problems which were worsened by his abuse of drugs and alcohol, threatened to kill them and warned them not to ‘snitch’ as he left.
Sentencing Karar, Judge Rodney Jameson QC said, “There appears to have been something of a break in your attack before you kicked her, calling her a prostitute. There is a bitter irony in that. You attacked her precisely because she was not prepared to act in that way, which is what you were demanding.”
Karar was given a life sentence after pleading guilty to murder yesterday. He must serve a minimum of 25 years in prison.

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